
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What's in a name?

It's time to officially announce the name of our future in a little less than 3 months we will be welcoming  
Noah Hudson Sanchez 
 into our family and this crazy world!

It's funny because throughout this pregnancy there have been things where we each like something different, i.e. furniture, color choices, diaper bags, and so on, but from the beginning we both liked the name Noah. 

Here are the reasons we like the name Noah:
*Of course there is the biblical connection of Noah's ark
 "But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded."
Genesis 8:1

* Noah means rest and comfort- we hope if we name our son something to do with the word rest he will bless us with rest and not as many sleepless nights...wishful thinking we know :)

* He will have the same name as this handsome character 

*Neither of us closely knows a Noah. This really pertains to me-- I've never had a student in my class named Noah.

 *His name isn't too long, so his un-crafty momma can probably manage to get his name on his wall...with a little help from her friends :)

*His initials as Noah Hudson Sanchez will spell out the organization we hope he will be apart of someday.

Those reasons aren't really the reasons behind the choosing of it. We both decided we loved the name and then all these other reasons to back up our name came to us and we think they're pretty funny.

A funny story about his name happened over Thanksgiving break when we were going to let some of Jason's family know the name we were thinking about. Jason had told me earlier that the people he tells "Noah might be the name of our son" too said they loved it. I told him people aren't going to tell us to our face if they don't like the name...they generally will always be like "aww that's cute" and then later be like "what were they thinking?". So, at Thanksgiving we decided to announce the babies name. The night before we came up with our fake name, Agador Spartacus (if that name sounds familiar it's because it's from the movie The Birdcage). Little did I know his mom was going to stop everyone in the middle of eating and turn the attention to us to make the announcement. Well we both forgot how to say the name so we butchered it a little, but there was a silence in the room after we said it. People were just like "oh okay?". There were no "awwws" or "how cutes". Then someone said do you know what his intials will spell if it is Agador Spartacus Sanchez. We had to hold back the laughter and just say "yeah we know". Finally we couldn't take it anymore and we told them it was all a joke and Noah will be his name. Then came the "oh thank God" and "awww that's cute!"

Everyone has been very positive when we tell them the name, but we are here today to make it official!! We look forward to what our little family will be like with the addition of little Noah Hudson.
Our future family all linked together :)